Book: The Way We're Working Isn't Working
Bigger, Better, Faster - that is not a sustainable way of being successful at work. Both employees as well as employers need to understand that and find a new way of organizing work - and of organizing yourself, to stay productive and creative, reach your goals, and live a happy life. The Way We're Working Isn't Working - The four forgotten needs that energize great performance Tony Schwartz with Jean Gomes and Catherine McCarthy, Ph.D. A great idea of this book is to summarize the "big ideas" at the end in a separate chapter. This way, after reading the book and probably being overwhelmed with all the good thoughts and ideas, you get a nice clean summary to transfer the ideas into practice. Things I want to keep from this book are: Exchange of time (employee) vs money (employer) is unsatisfactory for both sides Humans need four sources of energy: physical (sustainability), emotional (security), mental (self-expression), and spiritual (significance). Reminds me of ...