Unzoomed.com: awesome guessing game (not only) for map nerds
I recently found an awesome new online game: unzoomed.com. One riddle is shared every day, and it goes like this:
You are shown the satellite/aerial image of an undisclosed city. It's quite zoomed in, so you are shown something like a square kilometer of the inner city center (less than half a square mile). No descriptions are given, no labels, landmarks, etc.
Based on what you see, you can make a guess which city this might be. The input text box helps you with auto-correct and suggesting actually existing cities. For instance, this is what you see today (February 17th, 2024):
So, what city could that be? Make a guess, type it in the textbox and click "Try"!
If you guess correctly, congratulations, you have solved today's mystery!
Most likely, though, you will guess incorrectly. Then, two things happen: Firstly, the game will tell you how far away you were from the correct guess (in miles or kilometers). And secondly, the game will zoom our a bit further, and you may guess again. Overall, you have 6 tries every day to solve the riddle.
Of course, don't use a map while playing - that would be cheating, right?
Some initial tips when playing:
- use the input box for your advantage. If you know the country, but not the city, type the country in and see what suggestions are provided.
- have a look at the details: how densely are the houses packed? What material (color) are the roofs?
- have a look at typical buildings: do you find churches? Airports? Train stations? What shape are residential buildings (single family homes, large multi-story appartement blocks).
- have a look at the roads: do they use left or right side traffic? What color is the roadway, and are the road markings? What types of vehicles are used? Do you see traffic lights, or roundabouts?
- have a look at the ground, in open areas or parks: is it lavish green? Dirty brown?
- look at the shadows (of buildings, monuments, trees, etc). They might give away whether the location is on the norther or southern hemisphere, or close to the equator.
- Use the distance to the correct location to let you guide for your next guess: was it in the "hundreds" of kilometers, then you might be in the right country or a neighboring one already. Is it in the thousands, you might be on the right continent but not in the right country. Is it above, say, 7000 kilometers, then try a different continent for your next guess.